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The Football League Challenge

The game takes 2-3 hours, depending on the extent of the opening discussion, the number of seasons over which it is run, and the detail of the debrief. It is possible to run it with a single instructor for any group size of 20 to 60 people, but it helps to have an assistant for groups of more than 35.

Running the game requires a PC running Excel 2007 or later, with macros enabled, linked to a data projector and reasonably fast printer [black-white is fine].

Setting up the game:

  • Divide the class into 10-12 teams, each of 2-5 players, each being a well-known football club.
  • Explain the performance report each team will receive after each season.
  • Outline the 'architecture' of how each club works and performs, and distribute a print-out to each team.

How the game works:

  • Teams run famous football clubs in a world league over a few seasons [team names can be changed]
  • Before each season, they make just two decisions – how many players to buy and sell
  • … which changes the squad’s size, age, and cohesion
  • … which changes its performance
  • A team may go up or down the league by the end of that season, depending on how this performance changes relative to other teams
  • … changing the team’s morale, fans won and lost, and affects revenues, costs, the value of players, and cash reserves
  • To win the challenge requires a sustained high position in the league and a high level of cash


5 minute overview )

Class video: 10 mins - summary

Long class video: 51 mins